Goodness Weekly 12.31.22

“Try to keep your soul always in peace and quiet, always ready for whatever our Lord may wish to work in you.”

– Ignatius of Loyola

What’s Good:

As we reflect on what’s good this year, we put some of our favorite memories into a video! We invite you to respond with what’s been good for you in 2022, share a story or picture with us!

The Work: A Practice of Reflection

As the year comes to a close we invite you to consider using the prayer of Examen to reflect and reset. We love this method from our favorite Sacred Ordinary Days Planner: 

Draw near to God.

Become present.

Rest your mind and heart.

ŠReflect on the previous year with a posture of humility and gratitude.

ŠNote what surfaces. 

When have you been near to or far from God’s presence? 

Ask God to guide your reflections to be both faithful and gracious.

ŠReset for the year to come. Move forward in a spirit of hope.

You may use this practice to review these areas or others that you find helpful: spirit, body, mind, relationships, home, vocation, resources.

A Blessing at the End of the Year by John O’Donohue

As this year draws to its end, 

we give thanks for the gifts it brought 

and how they became inlaid within 

where neither time nor tide can touch them. 

The days when the veil lifted and the soul could see delight; 

when a quiver caressed the heart 

in the sheer exuberance of being here. 

Surprises that came awake in forgotten corners of old fields, 

where expectation seemed to have quenched. 

The slow, brooding times when all was awkward 

and the wave in the mind pierced every sore with salt. 

The darkened days that stopped the confidence of the dawn. 

Days when beloved faces shone brighter 

with light from beyond themselves; and from the granite of some secret sorrow a stream of buried tears loosened. 

We bless this year for all we learned, 

For all we loved and lost, 

and for the quiet way it brought us nearer

 to our invisible destination.

Upcoming Events:

  • Sunday, January 8th, 4:30pm Supper Church


Goodness Weekly 1.9.22


Goodness Weekly 12.25.22