Goodness Weekly 6.12.23
“We are here to witness the creation and to abet it. We are here to notice each thing so each thing gets noticed. Together we notice not only each mountain shadow and each stone on the beach but, especially, we notice the beautiful faces and complex natures of each other.… Otherwise, creation would be playing to an empty house.”
— Annie Dillard
What’s Good:
Yesterday was a very special day in our community as we installed a new leadership in our organization.
We have traditionally been governed by a group of Elders and instead now have two leadership groups—a board of Trustees responsible for the stewardship and functioning of our organization including our facilities, Charis Park, co-working, One Another Coffee, etc, as well as a board of Shepherds responsible for caring for the wellbeing of our community.
New Shepards:
Kelly Alba
Holly Glasgow
Kyle Fry
Steve Gilbert
Shirley Hightower
Patti Jennings
Ashley Lockridge
New Trustees:
Gregg Alba
Melanie Fry
Glenna Miranda
Dick Ihfe
Nathan Lowry
Kim Gilbert
A Message from Jess
We are here to notice each thing so each thing gets noticed.
This weekend I had the precious gift of celebrating 40 years of life with two of my dearest friends also turning 40 this year. We were walking along the beach selectively choosing whole shells for our three daughters. When we picked up a shell and noticed it had a missing part we put it back down and moved on.
Ashley stopped in her tracks at the sight of a tree delicately covered by seashells, all with holes and missing parts carefully hung on the branches.
This tree was a memorial marked by an angel made from seashells with a date and a name. Instantly our perspective on broken shells changed—the person who made the memorial didn’t view these shells as undesirable, but rather exactly right for creating this special tree.
It makes me wonder how quickly we dismiss or discard a person that hurts us, or someone who thinks differently, looks differently, or believes differently. I wonder if what we really need is a change in perspective? If the very nature of God is to seek out the deepest possible communion and friendship with every last creature on Earth, then shouldn’t our desire be the same?
Maybe, like me, you struggle with this in seemingly small, everyday ways. Instead of seeking to understand someone, I seek to be right. Instead of being flexible and open, I seek to get my own way. These behaviors aren’t life giving or friendship building.
This week, I invite you to join me in choosing a pause word. It could be kindness, it could be love, or some other word that you can use as a reminder for when you find yourself dismissing, arguing, fighting for your way, or refusing to witness the beautiful creation of the person right in front of you. Use this word as a trigger to stop, take a deep breath, and seek a change in perspective.
There is a flow moving through all of us, drawing us toward communion and friendship with everyone and everything—we only have to trust it.
May we have the courage to be open to a new perspective.
Love, Jess
What’s Coming Up
Sunset Worship Series
We love outdoor worship! The opportunity to worship God in God’s creation is so special. It’s also our most music-focused worship experience inspired by the week’s liturgy. It’s easy, relaxed, and especially kid-friendly.
This summer we will move this monthly service from the third Sunday to the following Wednesday evening.
We’ll start at 6:30pm and as an added bonus, Scott’s Pizza trailer will be open so you can grab dinner while you’re there too!
There will be no 4:30pm Sunday service on:
June 18th
July 16th
August 20th
September 17th
Wednesday Outdoor Worship dates:
June 21st
July 19th
August 23rd
September 20th
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, June 13th 9:30 AM, Storytime on the Lawn
Wednesday, June 14th 7 PM, Youth Group
Sunday, June 18th, Happy Father’s Day no afternoon worship
Wednesday, June 21 Summer Outdoor Evening Worship
Sunday, June 25th, 4:30 PM Chapel Liturgy
I’m off on my own desires and judgments again
Help me to open my eyes to a new way of seeing