Goodness Weekly 9.19.22

“Grace means that all of your mistakes now serve a purpose instead of serving shame.”

– Brene Brown

Root Beer & Hymns:

Join us this Friday night at 6:30pm on the front lawn as we gather together to sing old & new hymns and celebrate the new season with Root Beer floats.

We’re partnering with our friends over at The Good Hood and Slow Boogies Root Beer to support their ministry of presence and creating opportunities for San Antonio’s Eastside.

All are welcome!

What’s Good:

We are so excited to share that there is a new landscaping project happening on our campus! Some new friends from the neighborhood are gifting us a place of beauty, quiet, and gathering by revitalizing the area across from the church sign. The work started this morning and we can’t wait to see the final project. The plans include low maintenance native trees and plants as well as garden beds and integrated seating. Take a look!

Message From Jess:

October 2019 I had the privilege of traveling to Denver to attend the Evolving Faith conference with a group of friends from our community. This conference is particularly focused on people who feel like they are in the wilderness and walked away from or feel abandoned by the Church. 

At lunch during the conference, our friend Steve asked the question—“If you could speak about anything on the stage today, what would it be?” And without hesitation I said, “Shame.”

That morning while I was a thousand miles from home, Taylor Bates’ Rainbow Baby Podcast episode that I was interviewed for was being released into the world. After recording it with her, I came home and Nathan asked how it went. I responded—“I told the whole story.” to which his eyes opened wide and he replied—“the whole story?” Yes. The whole story. The one I had never shared with anyone except him. The one I had to call my mom and mother-in-law and tell before it was released so that they wouldn’t hear it on a podcast first. 

In the podcast booth, on those calls, and at the lunch in Denver, the shame was overwhelming. What would people think of me? Would I still be worthy of love? Would I still be worthy of my calling as a pastor? 

And as I mentioned in yesterday’s sermon, shame researcher Dr. Brene Brown says that shame cannot withstand the light. On the other side of the podcast booth I saw the tender, compassionate eyes of a best friend. On the other end of the line on the phone I heard the loving and warm voices of my mothers. And at lunch in Denver I received the continued support and encouragement of my dear friend and hype man Steve. 

I was found that day by a God who is like a woman searching for her lost coin, and a God who is like a shepherd searching for his lost sheep. 

May we all be people who are in a position of being found. And people who are bearers of welcome when someone finds a little more Home. 

This week I invite you to join me in practicing radical empathy for the people around you. How are you being invited to shine light on the guilt or shame of another person?

Upcoming Events

  • Friday, September 23rd, **6:30pm Root Beer & Hymns - Outdoor Worship

  • Sunday, September 25th No Charis Worship

  • Sunday, October 2nd, 4:30pm Supper Church

  • Tuesday, September 20th, 9:00am Story Time on the lawn

  • Wednesdays at 7:30pm Youth Group at The Stirmans


God of goodness, you are not an angry parent 

waiting for me to mess up today

You are Generosity 

Abundance, Hospitality, Grace 

Help me walk into today aware of your open arms 

Help me live and move and act from the freedom 

of my belovedness & may I share that love with the world

May I always be ready to be found again, by you.



Your love and mercy surround me Lord 

Each gentle reminder of your goodness around me 

surprises me and brings me back Home 

For all of the ways I did not participate in creating 

more goodness in the world today, I ask for forgiveness 

I rest tonight in your loving arms

Listening to the sound of your heart that beats 

for wholeness for all people.



Goodness Weekly 9.26.22


Goodness Weekly 9.12.22