Goodness Weekly 10.24.22

“I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien

Message from a Friend:

Photo by @hey_miss_mae_

We are nearing Halloween weekend, the kick off to the quarter of the year where our hearts and minds are set on abundance and giving. The gifts of sweets and squeals of trick-or-treat, the present of presence around the Thanksgiving table, the overwhelming peace and joy of the Advent season for the Christian.

This time of year is also accompanied by feelings many of us consider negative and uncomfortable. Throughout the gospel we see our Savior, fully man, fully God, express His humanness in His emotion. The shortest verse in the bible, an easy one for us to memorize, comes from John 11:35. Upon finding Mary and Martha mourning over the death of their brother, Lazarus, John says "Jesus wept."

These tears were not just the release of sadness, they were specifically grief - the grief of love lost as the following verse tells us that the Jews behind Him observed "Behold how He loved him!"

In the gaiety of the season we have a choice - to commit to unwavering "happiness" in the name of the Holidays, or to be Christ-like in our humanity and welcome the full spectrum of emotions we are blessed with. Many of our tears come from this same well of love lost. Death and broken relationships are at the heart of much of our wailing, and our Savior gives us permission through His own pain to embrace it as it comes, as well as make space for those around us who may need to do the same. The pain that is grief itself may feel like too much to bear, but this gift of grief is one that is packaged, however imperfectly so, and rarely delivered expectantly. May we accept it gently when it comes.

— Mae

What’s Good:

Our newest sign suggestion is up!! Shoutout to our friend, Hunter Bates, for the quote! Check out the link on our Instagram @charis.collective to have your suggestion up next.

Upcoming Events

Join us for Chapel Worship this Sunday at 4:30pm

  • Sunday, October 30th, 4:30pm Chapel Worship & Liturgy

  • Wednesdays at 7:30pm Youth Group at The Nymans


Thank you God for the morning air,

for the sunrise that greets me and the reminder

that we are in a new day together.

My heart is tired and I know that you strengthen me

with your steadfast love.

Help me to see the people I meet today

as a chance to learn and grow and love in new ways

Help me to see you in each one

And remind me that we belong to each other



My heart is restless until I find rest in you


help me to rest tonight in your love

Today I have blessed and I have cursed

I have loved and I have hurt

Forgive me Lord,

and help me to turn my remorse into action,

not just empty regret

I rest tonight in your grace and I thank you for your unfailing love



Goodness Weekly 10.31.22


Goodness Weekly 10.17.22