Goodness Weekly 03.11.24
“I've learned to check the hasty words that rise to my lips, and when I feel that they mean to break out against my will, I just go away for a minute, and give myself a little shake..."
-Mrs. March, Louisa May Alcott, Little Women
What’s Good
Our mission is to activate the Sunset Ridge campus for the flourishing of our neighborhood and we have many new members that are enhancing the growing community here. Grace with Graceful Etiquette hosts weekly classes to equip elementary, middle, and high school students with leadership skills, Madeleine of Blissful Baker and Katie of Biscuit Baby make baked goods in the kitchen that they sell locally, Kim of Nix Wellness is a personal trainer for adults and senior citizens, Annie is an artist who has a new studio space upstairs, and there are several new families who recently enrolled in Sprouts School where the Early Learner’s program is now waitlisted. So much good!
A Message from Mae
Mae Czarnecki, Communications Coordinator of Sunset Ridge Collective
When I became a staff member at Sunset Ridge Collective, there were a few organizational values I was made aware of. I’m actually sure there were many, but the one that stood out the most was the use of “goodness language.” If you’ve been on campus for any amount of time, you may hear one staff person say to another, in a lighthearted tone, “Is that goodness language?” More often than not, it's directed at me for an irresistible swear word I may have “accidentally” dropped.
Long reformed from my years of shooting dirty looks at my friends and family for using a superlative more egregious than “crap,” I now find deep joy in deploying a disarming cuss word in a passionate discussion. And I’ve learned during my time here that goodness language is not necessarily about repressing profanities.
I have long known the power of my words. As a child I often found myself in the guidance counselor’s office advocating for classmates, and family. My essays got me into college (that I did not finish), and grant proposals got me attention from funding sources that valued my art and paid my bills. I know how to use my words, which is why I can be especially disappointed when I don’t use them well.
“Edifying language” may be a term some of our readers have heard. As an Enneagram Type Eight, I take the charge of edifying my community very seriously. I can see my younger self passionately explaining a topic that I felt compelled to help my audience understand, while completely ignoring what is supposed to accompany edification: “creating peace.” When I was more caught up in trying to make my point, I often overlooked the other person’s tender humanity that can be easily stressed or broken by flippant words.
Part of my job duties here involve communicating accurate dates and times. But deeper than that is my obligation to connect our congregation, neighborhood, and vision together through goodness language that peacefully ignites joy and expectation with knowledge that helps all feel welcome here.
This Week
Sunday, March 17th 4:30pm Sunset Worship on the lawn (weather permitting)
Coming Up…
Sunday, March 31st Easter Brunch, Worship, and Easter Egg Hunt
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May the weight of imparting enlightenment
Land gently with peace.
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