Goodness Weekly 1.31.22

I don’t think anyone can grow unless they’re loved exactly as they are now, appreciated for what they are rather than what they will be.” —Mr. Rogers

Good Neighbors

Our neighbor is in need of a dresser to store their clothing. If you have a dresser available to share please send us a note to

We are preparing to begin an on-site food pantry at Camelot Elementary to serve the families at the school. If you’d like to help with this please let us know!

What's Good This Week

Our neighborhood food pantry will be installed this week by Community Health Partners!

Did you know that many of our immediate neighbors are experiencing food insecurity? If you or someone you know is struggling with this, our food pantry will be open and available 24/7. If you have a little more than you need, we invite you to bring some items to the pantry.

Have good news to share? Send us a note and let us know what’s good in your world—we’d love to include it here!

A message from Jess

When I wake up in the morning, one of my first thoughts is, “How can I get it all done today?” I may have a great plan, good systems, sound strategy, but do I have love? Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 1-13, that the only thing that lasts forever is the love that is given away. Everything else fades.

So I invite you this week to join me in starting each day asking a better question: How can I live with greater love today?

In our daily interactions we can ask: What does it look like to choose love here?

And at the end of each night, let’s take the time to ask God to reveal to us how we loved today and where we failed to do so.

I can’t wait to see what we’ll learn.

Partner Updates

If you’ve spent any time at the Rose Hip Coffee trailer, you’ve likely met or seen neighbor Rohn Bayes. Rohn is a gifted conversationalist and writer and spending time talking with Rohn will leave you better than you were before. Rohn interviewed Katie Best-Richmond on the origin of Rose Hip Coffee and her heart for the work of building bridges through coffee. Listen here: Rohn Interview with Katie


Goodness Weekly 2.7.22