Goodness Weekly 7.31.23
“Love can flow toward you in every moment…you might be experiencing this flow of love when you find yourself smiling at things for no apparent reason.”
—Fr Richard Rohr
What’s Good:
We adore our little friends here at the Collective. Looking around the campus, you’ll start to notice lots of changes to make our place more beautiful, safe, and fun.
From renovations in our daycare, to a new playground and equipment, and of course the continuous work at Charis Park, we are excited about the possibilities for creativity and play that await all the little faces that visit us!
A Message from Jess
“Let’s go on a quest!”
Those were my words to my oldest son, Luca, as we set our eyes on a little island just off of Scarborough Beach. I asked my cousin Parker how many miles out the island was when he dropped a pin and estimated just over three. Luca and I had our paddle boards and were motivated to get to the island, especially after my Uncle Michael said the words that set the plan in motion: “You’ll never make it to that island.” It was decided and the quest began.
The paddling was relatively simple and the view was breathtaking. When we got close to the island we noticed a group of seals that quickly made their retreat into the water and out of our sight.
We circled around the island and decided to head back. I told Luca the paddling would be easier as we’d be going in on the waves and with the tide.
I learned quickly how little I understand about tides. The paddling was hard and my arms and shoulders ached. Yet there were moments of reprieve when I would move along fine. And then again suddenly it felt like something put the brakes on my board. It took all of my strength to move forward.
What a metaphor for life, for healing, and for the work of transformation that we experience as we move through this world.
Some days I am cruising along on top of the water consumed by complete gratitude and awe for the extraordinary gift that is life. Other days I am trudging through just trying to survive the day or the moment. And sometimes I just feel completely stuck, or swallowed up by a tide that whips me back and forth and all I can do is try to hold on.
This is true, too, of our work here with the Collective. We make a plan and chart a course and some unthinkable gift comes and we are awestruck. Other days the plans change, and change, and change again and it feels like we aren’t moving at all.
This is the way of the work. Both our work in the world, and our work in ourselves.
I invite you this week to be patient and kind with yourself. On the days when you are on top of the water, spend some extra time in gratitude and presence, and on the others extend grace to yourself and the people around you.
Remember that there is an endless flow of love running through you—one that will carry you through no matter the day, and all the way home.
Never forget no matter your quest, you are not on it alone.
Love, Jess
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, Aug 1st, 9:30 AM Storytime on the Lawn featuring Mission Bell Tacos at One Another Coffee
Wednesday, Aug 2nd 6-9 PM Kids’ Night Out
Sunday, August 6th, 4;30 PM Supper Church
Saturday, August 12th 10-11:30 AM Second Saturday
When I am consumed by the tide—the anxiety, the overwhelm, the stress
Help me to enter into the flow of your love, through this moment, and through this day.