Goodness Weekly 8.07.23

“The rules of love are simple: Everybody. Always.”

-Bob Goff

What’s Good:

We are excited to share that our Executive Director & Pastoral Leader, Jess Lowry, has been invited to participate in the H. E. Butt Foundation’s Narrative Change Faith Leaders Cohort

The Narrative Change Cohorts bring groups of San Antonians together for a series of learning sessions over a 15-month period. Participants engage with San Antonio’s history and current realities of social, racial, and economic inequity through learning resources, immersion experiences, roundtable discussions, reflective workshops, walking tours, and meals together.

As friendships develop within the cohort and between community members that are met along the way, their hope is that relational bridges can be built across zip codes and sectors to create a more whole version of our city.

We’re so grateful to H. E. Butt Foundation for the work they are doing to strengthen our community and are honored to be a part of it.

A Message from Jess

“You can do this! Keep going!”

It was Saturday morning and my friend Ashley and I were on a walk at Hardberger Park. We were talking about many of the things women in our season of life discuss—concerns about our children, work pressures, marriage stuff, etc. 

Some of it was a little heavy, because well, life is a little heavy—even when it’s so good. 

As we were walking along the path we heard a young man cheering on the people he passed. 

“You can do this!” 
“Great job!” 
“You’re going great, keep going!”

We walked past him as grateful recipients of his kindness. 

This act reminded me of a phrase I recently heard about our upcoming Parable of the Sower, where the farmer displayed unchecked generosity. 

We wondered if this young man had any reservations about so freely putting himself out there in front of strangers. 

Did he worry about looking strange? 
Did he worry about how people would respond? 
What if he was ignored? 

If he had any of those concerns they certainly weren’t evident. Frankly, it was humbling to watch. 

This unchecked generosity gives freely without counting the cost and I’ve been reflecting on my own hesitation to do so. 

Often, in my head, it sounds more like:

Do you have the time? 
Do you have the energy? 
What if you share this and it isn’t received well? 
What if you’re perceived as (fill in the blank)?

This week I want to invite you to join me in practicing a little unchecked generosity. Could you freely give kindness away this week without worrying how it’s received? Could you give of yourself in a way that feels challenging regardless of the outcome?  

I can’t wait to see what we learn. 

Love, Jess

Upcoming Events

  • Tuesday, Aug 8th, 9:30 AM Storytime on the Lawn featuring Mission Bell Tacos at One Another Coffee

  • Wednesday, Aug 9th 7-8:30 PM Youth Group at Sunset Ridge Church

  • Saturday, August 12th 10-11:30 AM Second Saturday

  • Sunday, August 13th 4:30 PM Chapel Worship

  • Sunday, August 20th No Chapel Worship

  • Wednesday, Aug 23rd

    5:45-6:15 PM Story Share with Riley Stirman

    6:30-7:30 PM Sunset Worship Series

    7:30-8:30 PM Teen Night

  • Saturday, August 26th 6-8 PM Young Adult Night


When the fear of how my actions will be perceived keeps me from spreading kindness


Help me to remember that my role is to share light, not control the reception of it


Goodness Weekly 8.14.23


Goodness Weekly 7.31.23