Goodness Weekly 2.21.22
“Everyone around you—that is God.” — Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Message from Jess
If I asked, “What is worship to you?” you might respond with, “going to church” or maybe by naming a specific part of a service, like communion or singing worship music.
John Tuller shared that in his research the word “worship” in Greek is proskyneo, which can be interpreted as “throwing a kiss.”
This stuck with me as I consider our belief that all people are made in the image of God. If worship is “throwing a kiss” to God and all people are made in the image of God, then my actions, words, and even my thoughts are (or are not) an expression of worship.
I think back on the days this week, and I wonder–did I worship God? Did I blow a kiss to those made in God’s image, or was I too busy trying to get my way, my point, my agenda across?
This week join me in an act of worship: find God in a person you see and "throw them a kiss." The cynical, armored stuff is easy–anyone can do that. But you’re not just anyone, you’re God’s beloved.
And so is everyone else you meet.
What’s Good
Our Park Team has selected Coral Studio landscape architects aka “park-itects" to help us execute the vision for Charis Park in our adjacent parking lot.
Last week our Park Team (Kelly Alba, Taylor Bates, Katie Best-Richmond, Kim Gilbert, Kate Jaceldo, and Jess Lowry) along with Good Acres, interviewed two finalists and scored each firm using rubrics to evaluate their proposals.
Coral Studio came out with the top score and ultimately we believe they are aligned with our vision to create a neighborhood gathering place for connection, wonder, respite, and environmental stewardship.
Good Neighbors
If you are able to meet any of these needs please send us a note at:
Our neighbor is still in need of a dresser.
Ongoing needs from Afghan families:
2 Sewing Machines & sewing supplies
Bicycle for 8 year old boy
Bicycle for 10 year old boy
Queen size bed & mattress
Twin Mattress
Clothing for boys sizes 12-18 mos, 2T, 3T, 5T
Upcoming Events
Sunday, February 27, 4:30pm Join us for worship in the chapel and a very special message given by Bethany Hill
Saturday, March 5, 10am-2pm Rose Hip Coffee & Dezynr Clay will host an outdoor International Women’s Day Market featuring local makers and vendors
Saturday, March 26 We're hosting a Neighborhood Yard sale! Donations of gently used household items are currently being accepted for the sale. Proceeds will support the Charis Park project. Email us for details.
Awaken my heart to your love
May it be the center of me
that radiates out and spills over
into every person I see
and every action I take
May each step today be an act of resistance
to anything that is not rooted in love
Show me Lord, the moments
where I resisted the story that there is not enough
Show me Lord, where I acted
out of an ethic of generosity
Show me Lord, where I relied on my own strength
Acted on my own will
and failed to love you, my neighbor and myself
I surrender it all to you tonight
And rest in the hope of a new day tomorrow