Goodness Weekly 5.23.22
“If I tilt my head ever so slightly and listen for even just a moment, I can hear the Spirit’s still, small voice saying ‘you actually have all the time in the world’”
– Nadia Bolz Weber
What’s Good?
This past week we announced two new ministers coming into our community. We are thrilled that Riley and Chelsea Stirman will be making their move into San Antonio this week and into our congregation next week. In addition to Jess Lowry as Pastoral Leader, we’ll have Riley Stirman as Preaching Minister and Chelsea Stirman as Family Minister. We ask you to join us in praying for this transition!
Upcoming Events
Sunday, May 29th
11:30am Meet & Greet Lunch with The Stirmans!
4:30pm Chapel Worship & Liturgy
Sunday, June 5th, 4:30pm Supper Church
Saturday, June 11th, 10am-2pm Father’s Day Market
Message from Jess:
There’s a scene in the movie Moana where the character Maui sees Moana’s boat and thinks that it’s a gift from the gods as he has been exiled on an island. He shouts, “The gods have given us a BOAT!”
It’s been a running joke in the past couple of weeks in our community—it seems like at every turn, when we think we don’t have what we need, suddenly and unexpectedly, the person, or organization, or resource we need is right there in front of us. And now when it happens we laugh and quote Maui.
The laughter really comes at our own expense—how silly are we to think that we’re doing any of this work on our own strength or plan. Instead, with each new person, each extra moment of time, each new bit of knowledge, we are reminded that this is God’s work and it will come to completion in God’s perfect way.
I wonder how our perception might shift if we decide to view our lives in this way? Instead of pushing and hurrying, we can open our hands to the gifts of the Holy Spirit—our advocate, our helper, our counselor—and trust that if we can stop long enough to listen and breathe, we have all of the help we need.
May we be people who don’t miss the gifts around us.
I invite you this week to join me in waking each morning and asking for eyes of abundance. I wonder what we will learn.
Good Work
We’d love for you to jump into the work that is going on in our community! We have many different ways you can do this from joining a team, helping with worship, and much more.
Click the button below to fill out the form & we’ll reach out to you!
Awaken my eyes and my heart to you, my God,
and all of the places where I can witness
you working for the good of the world
if only I take the time to pay attention
My attention is often bouncing all over the place
and you are patient and kind and tender with me
Help me to be patient and tender and kind today too
I confess that it is easy for me to feel like
there is never enough,
I am often frantic and hurried and late
and rushed and oh so tired Lord.
You, my God, are none of those things
but in you and with you there is always enough.
Help me to rest in the abundance of your love tonight
and begin again tomorrow
with a renewed heart that is well-rested in you.