Goodness Weekly 6.13.22

“Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.”

— Mother Teresa

What’s Good?

We are overjoyed at the birth of Simone Suzanne Bates. Simone is the daughter of our friends Hunter & Taylor Bates. She was born this past Thursday at 7lb 13oz. We can’t wait to meet and love on her, but while we give their family time to rest and enjoy her presence in the world, we’d love to start a meal train for them! Click the button below to sign up.

What is Meal Train?
There are times in our lives when friends and family ask, "What can I do to help out?" The answer is usually to help them with a meal. When many friends provide support through a meal, Meal Train keeps everyone organized.

Day of the Dad: our first Father’s Day Market was a success! A very special thanks goes out to Nadia with DEZYNR and Katie with Rose Hip Coffee for curating an amazing group of local vendors/makers and for working with us to host a fantastic market day. We loved meeting everyone who came out and can’t wait for the many more markets to come!

Message from Jess:

Former President Giri of India said of Mother Teresa:

“In our present-day troubled world, incessantly plagued by conflict and hatred, the life that is lived and the work that is carried out by people like Mother Teresa bring new hope for the future of mankind.”

Bringing hope for the future of mankind. Can you imagine? When I think about Mother Teresa and her writings and story, I am certain that this is not what she set out to do. Instead, I believe that she simply set out to relieve a little of the suffering that she saw around her. She cared for the person right in front of her– living in the middle of the pain, not shying away from it. 

I wonder how often we shy away from the suffering of others? Often, people are afraid they’ll say the wrong thing. Sometimes the reality of suffering is too close to home. Other times it is really just not convenient—surely someone else will step in. 

But we desire to be a community of people who represent a God of goodness, a God that is not out there but meets us right in the middle of the suffering, fully present— God with us. In the suffering, in the joy, in the daily, mundane, ordinary lives we live. Then we must do the same. 

At the end of our passage in Romans this week, Paul writes that God’s love is poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. The Message translation reads: we can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit. 

May we be people who leave a legacy of hope and love, goodness and kindness in our wake. May someone witness the way that we love and care for the people around us and feel hopeful for the future of humankind because of it. And may we, through the strength of Christ, use our own suffering to ease the suffering of our neighbor. 

How are you being called to bring more hope to the world this week?

Good Work

We are so grateful for the people who work every week toward the flourishing of one another & our neighborhood. A special thanks to the people listed below for helping make our market this past Saturday a success:

Father’s Day Market

Nadia (DEZYNR)

Katie (Rose Hip Coffee) 

Julie Mankins

Kelly Alba

We’d love for you to jump into the work that is going on in our community! We have many different ways you can do this from joining a team, helping with worship, and much more. 

Click the button below to fill out the form & we’ll reach out to you!

Upcoming Events

  • Friday, June 17th, 7:30pm Outdoor Worship

  • Sunday, June 26th, 4:30pm Chapel Worship & Liturgy

  • Tuesday, June 21st, 9:00am Games & Coffee at Rose Hip Coffee

  • Wednesday, June 22nd, 9:00am Story Time at Rose Hip Coffee

Youth group is starting this week at the back house of 313 Encino Ave. Middle school and high school students are invited for games, snacks, and time in community together!


God, thank you for a new day 

Today, I humbly ask, as many have before me—

Make me an instrument of your peace

May kindness flow from my lips

May goodness fill my intentions

May love fuel my actions 

By your strength, Lord, and not my own

For the good of all you have created

In Jesus name,



The day is done, my spirit is tired,

but you are never done with me

No matter how many times or ways 

I have failed or fallen,

You God, love me and call me yours

Forgive me for the ways I have not loved today

And may every act of kindness point to you

Help me to rest tonight in your grace and mercy 

and be ready tomorrow to begin

loving your people and your creation again



Goodness Weekly 6.20.22


Goodness Weekly 6.6.22