Goodness Weekly 7.25.22

“The way we choose to see the world creates the world we see.” 

–Barry Neil Kaufman

Message from Jess:

Yesterday during the morning service Nathan and I led the Kids’ Worship. We discussed with the group the Parable of Leaven from Matthew 13 and a young boy Ethan responded, “I know the Kingdom of Heaven grows, but can something make it smaller?” 

It’s a good question. 

There are certainly days when it feels like that’s possible, right? Like the good, beautiful, and kind world where all things are brought into wholeness and flourishing seems to be further and further out of reach. Or the growth seems to be so slow, almost imperceptible. 

When I think of this parable I’m reminded that we are only one year into formalizing this goodness work that we call Charis Collective and yet the work actually began decades ago. It started with a group of people putting up chairs in the Red Cross building that used to be in the parking lot. It continued years later as the Sunset Ridge ministers, elders, and their spouses gathered together in prayer for the future of the community, and then when 30 people joined in deep work and prayer to form the Sunset Ridge Vision Team to figure out how to be better neighbors. The work is active today as the Charis Worship Team spends hours each week planning and practicing for worship, creatively connecting music from all genres to communicate the message. And also through the time and attention we all receive at Rose Hip Coffee, no matter how busy Katie is. 

I think the only thing that makes the Kingdom of Heaven smaller is simply our perception of it. We can choose to look at the examples above as things that took too long, or as time when nothing was happening, or as places where there were not enough people. But I believe that our challenge is to realize that every small way that goodness is shared, the Kingdom is present and growing. 

This week, I invite you to join me in asking for new eyes to see God’s goodness in every small, slow, and beautiful way it is manifested. 

May we be the people who not only look for it, but choose to partner in the goodness work with God. 

Partner Update:

Rose Hip Coffee has temporarily relocated across the street due to unforeseen circumstances. 

We are so thankful for this amazing community of neighbors and friends that rushed out to help Katie move the trailer and even set up their own folding chairs to continue the community Rose Hip has built! 

Our friend and owner of Rose Hip, Katie Best-Richmond, is working on ways to get the trailer back to its previous spot as soon as possible. The seating area will remain for all who enjoy it. 

We encourage you to grab coffee and take a seat as usual or bring your own lawn chairs to stay close to our beloved Rose Hip Coffee and show them support!

What’s Good:

This Friday we joined in community, music, and liturgy at our outdoor summer series, Sunset Worship. We were blessed with a beautiful breeze, lots of wonderful neighbors, and an opportunity to praise together.

Join us for our next Sunset Worship on the front lawn on August 19th at 7:30pm

Good Work:

At our Back to School Market we will have a school supply drive for Camelot Elementary. If you’re out at the store, please grab a couple of these items to share with the children at the school:

  • Crayola Crayons

  • Crayola Washable Markers

  • Watercolors

  • Wide Ruled Spiral Notebooks 

  • Wide Ruled Composition books 

  • Glue Sticks

Community Care Team -

This is a team of people committed to helping to care for our neighbors. We will do this by showing up for a neighbor who is feeling lonely, taking meals when they’re needed, etc. This week we will have a QR code on our Food Pantry to invite people to share other needs that they have & invite you to sign up to help meet those needs.

Sign up using this link:

Upcoming Events

  • Sunday, July 31st, 4:30pm Chapel Worship & Liturgy

  • Sunday, August 7th, 4:30pm Supper Church

  • Friday, August 19th, 7:30pm Sunset Worship, an outdoor summer series

  • Tuesday, July 26th, 9:00am Story Time on the lawn

  • Wednesday, July 27th, 9:00am Coffee & Games at Rose Hip Coffee

  • Saturday, August 13th, 9am-1pm The Market at Sunset Ridge!!


Arise, o sleeper, arise 

You call me out of my slumber today

Out of the self-focused griping 

Out of the side-eyed judging 

Out of the mindless scrolling that fuels my desire to be someone other than the one you made me to be. 

Awaken my heart to love today

To let every action be an act of devotion and goodness and kindness to the world

In Jesus name,



Thank you for this day and all that was in it

I rest tonight on the shadow of your wing 

loved, held, known & wanted by you

For the ways I failed to love-forgive me

And let me rest tonight knowing that tomorrow is a new day 

For the ways I missed you, open my eyes 

Help me to breathe in your love 

And breathe out your peace to the world



Goodness Weekly 8.1.22


Goodness Weekly 7.18.22