Goodness Weekly 7.18.22
“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives”
– Annie Dillard
What’s Good:
Our Camelot Elementary friend & 5th grade teacher Mr. Labasso recently shared that he has been working on some special after school programs to provide a place for kids in Camelot to build confidence, to learn leadership and have a creative outlet. Mr. Labasso began a non-profit called Care for Camelot to fund these programs and we are excited to share that this Sunday, with our match, we raised $1,120 for this program! We will be able to provide funds for the purchase of new drums for their drumline program. Thank you for your support and generosity!
We look forward to sharing with you in the coming weeks how you can partner with the good work happening at Camelot Elementary!
Message from Jess:
George Bailey was a generous man who had big dreams. He wanted to travel the world and make a name for himself and as his plan didn’t work out as he had hoped, despair took over and George gave up. His plan was thwarted by an angel who helped him see a world where he was never born.
If you’ve seen It’s a Wonderful Life, you know that George Bailey found that everything he ever wanted was his, that his life had great purpose and value, that the ripple effect of him not being born was greater than he could imagine. He found contentment and joy.
The angels at the beginning of the film are an image of Stephen’s Quintet from 1946. Last week we were wonderstruck by the images of Stephen’s Quintet from the James Webb Space Telescope.
Like George Bailey, we can find ourselves discouraged by the ways that things didn’t work out the way we hoped or imagined. Did you know Stephen’s Quintet itself is the result of a 2 million mile-per-hour hit-and-run, and more than 100 star clusters and several dwarf galaxies have spawned from the wreckage? Or that the beloved It’s a Wonderful Life was a box-office flop when it was released and took down Frank Capra’s Liberty Films?
I am certain that each of you reading this has a story of loss, pain, trauma, disappointment that was or is or will be rewritten into something even more beautiful than the Webb Telescope images. Our challenge is to keep looking up and reaching out.
You have your own George Bailey story— and in case no one has told you lately, the world would not be the same without you.
Every day we have the chance to be that reminder to the people that come into our paths—to show them through our presence, through our kindness, through our compassion that they have intrinsic worth and value as evidenced in such a small thing as taking the time to see them. It is exactly what Jesus did every step of the way, including the steps leading to the Cross. He never stopped looking, or seeing, or loving and neither can those of us who claim to be his followers.
I know so many of your days feel more like a cosmic hit-and-run than the tidy ended of a beloved Christmas movie, I’ve had those days too. And there is a beautiful story ahead. There is a good God who created all of the wonder and mystery and beauty and magic and loves you more than you could ever imagine—and every other person too.
This week join me in moving from curving in on ourselves and out to loving the person in front of us with presence and time.
May our every action this week be a testimony to our love and devotion to God.
Upcoming Events
Friday, July 22nd, 7:30pm Sunset Worship on the lawn (No service Sunday 7/24)
Sunday, July 31st, 4:30pm Join us to hear our friend, Katie Best-Richmond, give our message for Chapel Worship & Liturgy
Tuesday, July 19th, 9:00am Story Time on the lawn
Wednesday, July 20th, 9:00am Coffee & Games at Rose Hip Coffee
Saturday, August 13th, 9am-1pm The Market at Sunset Ridge!!
Lord, I confess that before my eyes even open
my mind is racing
I am worried and distracted by so many things
I realize that this worry and distraction
is not how you want me to live
But instead in a steady & whole state of being in you
Awaken my heart and my busy mind to this truth
Help me to abide in your presence today
and through this presence help me
to love my neighbor as myself
As the day winds down, help my soul to do the same
God your world is hurting, your people are hurting
and tonight my heart is heavy from it all
Help me to rest in your love
Give me the strength to bring kindness everywhere
I go tomorrow and forgive me for the ways
I have not lived out of your goodness today
Grant me the awareness that both contemplation and action
are equal in the calling you’ve given to your people
And may I focus on you through it all
In Jesus name,