Goodness Weekly 9.25.23

“It's gonna take much more 

than ordinary love

To lift this up.” 

–Eddie Vedder

What’s Good:

Sprouts School started today! We were so excited to see new little faces on our campus today for the first day of our new nature-based preschool in partnership with Sprouting Curiosity Collective. If you or someone you know has a kiddo between the ages of 6 weeks to 6 years old and is interested in knowing more about our program, please visit and complete our interest form. 

New group for parents

Whether your child is 6 months old, 6 years old, or 16–you’re invited to join a group of parents looking to more consciously engage in our children’s spiritual formation. We’ll meet Sunday evenings to walk together through Kayla Craig’s new book Every Season Sacred. 

A Message from Jess

I am unabashedly a major fan of the band Pearl Jam. 

If you ask me a question like, “What’s your favorite Pearl Jam song?” I will explain that there’s no way to choose just one–give me an era, a genre, or an album, but don’t make me pick just one. 

I’ve had the privilege of seeing my favorite band 31 times, in cities all over the country and once in Mexico. When you travel to another city for a show the most fascinating thing takes place–there is a Pearl Jam takeover. 

In all different parts of the cities of Austin, Chicago, Fort Worth, etc. you will see them. Fans wearing new tour shirts and shirts from the past 30+ years of the band’s existence. And you recognize these people because they stand out. 

As I’ve been working through our series on rest, I’ve been struck by the idea that our pace, our cadence of life, is one way that we can stand out in the world. 

Can you imagine? You may know this person. 

The one who walks with a slow, steady pace—apparently not hearing the same fire drill that you and I hear in our heads. 

They’re not frantically scurrying about, but present. 

They make eye contact. They’re undistracted by their phones or their schedules. 

You feel seen and loved, like you matter to them—like there’s nowhere else in the world they would rather be. 

When I talk about standing out, what I mean is bearing witness. Not in the way of shouting on a street corner or handing out pamphlets to evangelize, but in the way of saying that what I claim to believe actually impacts my life. 

My belief that there is a source of love, joy, and peace within me has to be clear in my actions, my words, and my pace of life. Can you imagine a whole city taken over by people who are moving a little slower, who show up present and attentive to their neighbors, and who walk in the path of peace? 

I’d love to see that even more than another Pearl Jam concert. 

This week we are going to continue to focus on mental rest. I’d like you to consider your pace and what it might take to slow down a bit. 

This documentary Godspeed: The Pace of Being Known is a beautiful story of slowing pace, it’s about 35 minutes long. “Follow the story of an American pastor whose desire to change the world grinds to a halt in a Scottish parish. Join Eugene Peterson, N. T. Wright and Granny Wallace on a pilgrimage to being known in your own backyard.”

Love, Jess

This Week

Tuesday, Sept 26th, 7am Taco Tuesday at One Another Coffee featuring Mission Bell and Primero Tacos
Sunday, Oct 1st

  • 4:30pm Supper Church

  • 6-7pm Every Season Sacred (open to all parents of school aged children, dinner & childcare provided)

  • 6-7pm Youth Group


Monday, Oct 2nd, 6pm Terrell Heights Neighborhood Night Out
Sunday, Oct 8th, 4:30pm
Chapel Worship
Saturday, Oct 14th, 10am Second Saturday


I’m running again.


Help me to be still, help me to be.


Goodness Weekly 10.02.23


Goodness Weekly 9.18.23