Goodness Weekly 10.02.23
“Hurry is not a disordered schedule, it’s a disordered heart.”
-John Ortberg
What’s Good:
We loved gathering around the table in community for our new parent group walking through Every Season Sacred together. We are already anticipating being together again this coming Sunday where we will reflect on the theme of noticing.
Please contact if you’re interested in joining the group.
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, which is a particularly special time to many parents in our community. If you or someone you know has experienced pregnancy and infant loss, regardless of your journey, know that we are thinking of you and you are not alone.
This Week
Tuesday, Oct 3rd, 7am Taco Tuesday at One Another Coffee featuring Mission Bell and Primero Tacos
Saturday, Oct 7th, 10am Storytime with Chelsea
Sunday, Oct 8th
4:30pm Chapel Worship
6-7pm Every Season Sacred (open to all parents of school aged children, dinner & childcare provided)
6-7pm Youth Group
Saturday, Oct 14th, 10am Second Saturday Eclipse Party hosted by Sprouts School
Sunday, Oct 15th, 10am Sabbath Sunday
Wednesday, Oct 18th, 4:30pm Sunset Worship Series
A Message from Jess
Hustle up.
Hustle up.
Come on, let's hustle.
I lost count of the number of times I heard the word hustle at my son Luca’s Saturday morning football game.
While visiting the Colosseum in Rome, our tour guide used the Italian phrase “Andiamo!” This was to say–let’s go!
Moving on to the next part of the tour: “Andiamo!” Heading down the street: “Andiamo!” Break time is over: Andiamo!”
It’s now my favorite way to demand that my family hustles. Getting ready for school: “Andiamo!” Dinner’s on the table “Andiamo!”
It’s prettier than hustle, but no different.
I wonder how often you rush?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m no sports expert, but I do understand the need for the coach to tell the team to hustle.
There are times that my teenagers are staring at their phones when they actually need to be walking out the door.
But I’d be lying to you if I said that I only rush on occasion. Andiamo is a commonly used phrase in my vocabulary.
Or let’s go, hurry up, ugghhhh why is everyone moving so slooooowwww.
As I’ve been working through this series on Rest and Matthew 11:28-30, I’ve been re-reading John Mark Comer’s The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry in which he talks alot about formation.
It’s one of the most important words to me.
How is what I am doing forming me?
What am I being formed into?
When I am at the end of my life and look back—who do I want to see?
What will have formed my life?
I don’t want to be known for how efficient I was.
Or how much I packed into a day.
Or how competent and hard-working I was.
I want to be formed by love for love—presence, goodness, kindness.
What about you?
And are your answers shaping your life?
Let’s start today.
This week I invite you to spend some time considering what is forming you, and what you want to be formed into.
This is a really good opportunity to take a time inventory by keeping a note around to track how you’re spending your time.
Look with curiosity, not judgment.
I can’t wait to hear what you learn.
Love, Jess
My life is being formed in this very moment
Slow me down to be present here and now
Slow me down