Goodness Weekly 10.09.23

 “There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.”

―Leonard Cohen, Selected Poems, 1956-1968

What’s Good:

The recent opening reception for the La Luz exhibition in our new coworking space was such a special gathering to celebrate the creativity in our community as curated by Mae Czarnecki, our Communications Coordinator and in-house photographer extraordinaire. La Luz highlights contemporary Latine artists in San Antonio and will be on view through November 15th, including a micro gallery by String of Prayers at One Another Coffee trailer on campus.

This Week

Saturday, Oct 14th, 11am Second Saturday Eclipse Party hosted by Sprouts School

Sunday, Oct 15th, Sabbath Sunday


Wednesday, Oct 18th, 6:30pm Sunset Worship Series

A Message from Taylor

Taylor Bates, Sunset Ridge Collective Deputy Director

Have you noticed the autumn light starting to change in your daily environment? For me it’s when I step barefoot outside of my bedroom in the quiet of the morning just after dawn and before my children are awake. On the wall of our hallway is a soft projection of orange glowing parallelograms, which is a uniquely October occurrence in our house. There’s clearly a way to explain this based on how the position of the rising sun in October shifts and how our windows catch the light in just the right way, and yet it still feels a little mystical. 

It’s how I know that my son JoJo’s birthday is approaching. When I was pregnant with him three years ago I remember standing outside my bedroom with my hand on my big pregnant belly anticipating his arrival. I saw the glowing shapes of light appear and thought of our first son, Ellis, who was stillborn two years earlier. Somehow the light made me feel his presence. And now this little seasonal rhythm is an opportunity for me to experience connection and gratitude for both my boys—something as simple as noticing the way the light changes. 

But if I’m moving too fast I don’t see these things. If I wake up late and rush through my morning, I don’t have a moment to stop and pause at the top of the stairs to relish in the golden light that appears for just a few weeks. 

As Jess has been walking us through her series on Rest, I wonder if you can slow down enough to notice what little rhythms are unique to you in this Fall season? These rhythms can help us to mark time but also enable us to be more joyfully present by creating space for gratitude. I hope you are able to see the spots of light that appear in your own life. 

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, which is a particularly special time to many parents in our community. If you or someone you know has experienced pregnancy and infant loss, regardless of your journey, know that we are thinking of you and you are not alone. Taylor is also the creator of the Rainbow Baby Podcast, which offers stories of hope to parents who experience pregnancy loss.


Open my eyes to the light all around me


Release my need to rush past it


Goodness Weekly 10.16.23


Goodness Weekly 10.02.23