Goodness Weekly 4.08.24
"There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." –Leonard Cohen
Goodness Weekly 03.25.24
“Don’t move the way fear makes you move.
Move the way love makes you move.”
Goodness Weekly 03.18.24
“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” - Thich Nhat Hanh
Goodness Weekly 03.11.24
“I've learned to check the hasty words that rise to my lips, and when I feel that they mean to break out against my will, I just go away for a minute, and give myself a little shake..."
-Mrs. March, Louisa May Alcott, Little Women
Goodness Weekly 03.04.24
“It takes a lot for you to find your confidence, but you shouldn’t let someone else be the person to find it for you.” –Justine Skye
Goodness Weekly 02.26.24
“I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.” –Joyce Kilmer
Goodness Weekly 02.19.24
“We long to belong, and belonging and caring anchors our sense of place in the universe.”
–Patricia Churchland
Goodness Weekly 02.12.24
“Hope and Fear sit on a see-saw and neither one knows what will happen next.” —Kat Lehman
Goodness Weekly 02.05.24
“Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening.” – Lisa M. Hayes
Goodness Weekly 01.29.24
“In honor of myself, I will discard the expectations that I should be different, that I should let it go before I’m ready, that I should move on to something new. To honor you, I will love you as you were, as you are, even if that is the same as last month, last year, yesterday. I honor the particularity of moving to your own rhythm and finding your own pace. May we have the courage to begin again, every day, to take as long as we need with the things that deserve more attention, and listen to the ancient wisdom of our bodies that sit outside of time.” -Hillary McBride
Goodness Weekly 01.22.24
“To be native to a place we must learn to speak its language.” —Robin Wall Kimmerer
Goodness Weekly 01.15.24
“We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.”
–MLK, Letter From Birmingham Jail
Goodness Weekly 01.08.24
“The reality is that ambition is helpful, up to a point. Then it is a combination of patience and ambition which will truly help you succeed.” - Scott Miker
Goodness Weekly 12.11.23
“We are not to throw away those things which can benefit our neighbor. Goods are called good because they can be used for good: they are instruments for good, in the hands of those who use them properly.”
-Clement of Alexandria
Goodness Weekly 12.04.23
“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”
–Mother Teresa
Goodness Weekly 11.27.23
“Abundance is a dance with reciprocity - what we can give, what we can share, and what we receive in the process.”
–Terry Tempest Williams
Goodness Weekly 11.06.23
“Happiness has a chance to grow when we see dandelions as flowers.”
–Kat Lehman