Goodness Weekly 3.13.23
“I do not understand the mystery of grace—only that it meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us”
— Anne Lamott
Goodness Weekly 2.27.23
“You know what the happiest animal in the world is? It's a goldfish. It's got a 10 second memory.”
— Ted Lasso
Goodness Weekly 2.20.23
“One tiny idea at a time, one small heart at a time, through and for God, I choose light.”
— Laura Strong
Goodness Weekly 2.13.23
“If you knew the secret of life, you too would choose no other companion but love.”
— Rumi
Goodness Weekly 2.6.23
“Courage is like—it’s a habitus, a habit, a virtue: You get it by courageous acts. It’s like you learn to swim by swimming. You learn courage by couraging.”
– Brene Brown
Goodness Weekly 1.30.23
“If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough.”
– Oprah Winfrey
Goodness Weekly 1.23.23
“It’s the things we play with and the people who help us play that make a great difference in our lives.”
– Fred Rogers
Goodness Weekly 1.16.23
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do keep moving forward.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
Goodness Weekly 1.9.22
“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul—and sings the tunes without the words—and never stops at all.”
– Emily Dickinson
Goodness Weekly 12.31.22
“Try to keep your soul always in peace and quiet, always ready for whatever our Lord may wish to work in you.”
– Ignatius of Loyola
Goodness Weekly 12.25.22
As this tender year comes to a close, we pray you know the truth of your belovedness and the warmth of love that surrounds you. Merry Christmas from your friends at Charis Collective!
Goodness Weekly 12.19.22
‘“What day is it?” asked Pooh.
‘It’s today,’ squeaked Piglet.
‘My favorite day,’ said Pooh.”
― A.A. Milne
Goodness Weekly 12.12.22
“I have a lot of people in my life, and I think there's something key: the thing that leads to intimacy and relationship and connection is tenderness.”
— Father Greg Boyle
Goodness Weekly 12.5.22
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
— Antoine De Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
Goodness Weekly 11.28.22
“Look at everything as though you are seeing it either for the first or last time, then your time on earth will be filled with glory.”
― Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Goodness Weekly 11.21.22
“It is not happiness that makes us grateful” but “gratefulness that makes us happy”
– Brother David Steindl-Rast
Goodness Weekly 11.14.22
“If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.”
– Fred Rogers
Goodness Weekly 11.7.22
“There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called Yesterday and the other is called Tomorrow. Today is the right day to Love, Believe, Do and mostly Live.”
― Dalai Lama XIV
Goodness Weekly 10.31.22
“To live will be an awfully big adventure.”
― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan